July 06, 2009

The riots of Xinjiang region, capital of China killed about 140 people and injured 828 when a peaceful protest was held yesterday, July 5 attended by 3,000 people.

The Uighers, members of a Muslim ethnic group, clashed with Urumqi Police during the protest.
Rioters overturned barricades, attacked vehicles and houses. Xinjiang Provincial Government through its News director, Wu Nong, stated that 260 vehicles were attacked or set on fire and damaged 203 houses.

Government stated that the violence was a pre-empted, organized violent crime, instigated and directed from abroad and carried out by outlaws in the country.

Alim Seytoff, Kadeer's spokesman, said by telephone from Washington, D.C., that the accusations were baseless.

He further stated that
"It's common practice for the Chinese government to accuse Ms. Kadeer for any unrest in East Turkestan and His Holiness the Dalai Lama for any unrest in Tibet."

The protest started on Sunday when demonstrators demanding a probe into a fight between Uighurs and Han Chinese workers at Southern China factory happened last month.


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